Stranger WTF Stranger
I think I became a pretty good Auditor but I'm sure I learned a lot about business and finance during my short stay at the BIG EIGHT firm. I was blessed to be assigned to a varied clientele but one in particular would prove to change my life forever. In 1988, I left the Big Eight and took the Controllers position at an electronics company in Miami. I was in my glory. I was surrounded by audio and electronic engineers. I had my hands in the accounting and finance aspects of the company and was befriended by the owner of the company who treated me like a son for the rest of our days together. He encouraged me to renew my activities in music and helped me see that it was ok to be just ok and that it was important to represent. He taught me about electronics and sound engineering and life as he saw it. God bless his soul. This was the age of computers and my salvation became "Dr T's Sequencing Software" and the Amiga Computer. Now you could work out your ideas with MIDI keyboards and sound modules. Soon after came the Apple Macintosh. That was the game changer. I used Opcode's "Studio Vision" followed by "Logic" and finally "Pro Tools" which I use to this day. These programs allowed for more and more audio recording to be integrated into the midi stuff. Today, you really don't need to go to a "big-deal studio". It's still a lot of fun to do so and you learn something at every turn. But you can make a great sounding recording in your spare bedroom with no problem. Replicating a low-latency multichannel recording studio using Pro Tools HDX and some Aviom equipment, you can track a band in a larger home studio just as you would at "The Power Station". No one can underestimate the contributions of Steve Jobs and his visionary Apple Computer. In the end, Mac products are at the center of all activities in my life.
My First Studio My First Yamaha G3 Blood on Carbon Fiber Little Black Car Setting up the Carbon Fiber